A trendy search term is Handwriting Expert Near Me. Do you need a Handwriting Expert in your state? If you feel you need one, you can look for one near you at https://handwritingexperts.com/newyork/. Just scroll down and click on your state.
Before COVID-19, it may have been wise for you to hire a Handwriting Expert in your state. First, you would need to hire a forensic document examiner and have them write a report. In addition, if that forensic document examiner wasn’t located in your state, you would have to pay for travel expenses.
With COVID-19, most courts have gone to remote hearings. A remote court hearing means that all parties, including experts, might be participating from somewhere other than the courtroom, using videoconferencing. In some states, the judge and court staff may be in the courtroom.
Popular videoconferencing services are Cisco Webex Cloud and Zoom. Each court will decide which one to use. All video conferencing services are free and can be accessed on a home computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. High-speed internet access and an unlimited data plan are suggested to view the court hearing via videoconference.
With courts using videoconferencing, that means that you do not have to worry about travel expenses for a Handwriting Expert. You can use the best expert available and not have to pay for them to travel to you.
They can testify in your case right from the comfort of their home or office and without the additional expense. Besides expenses, the ability to share what is on the expert’s computer screen makes it possible for experts to show exhibits.
Will you need to look for a Handwriting Expert Near Me after COVID-19 is over?
Lawyers and judges will probably agree that court cases might be handled differently in the future. Remote court hearings have been helpful to allow cases to proceed. While a remote court hearing will not replace in-person hearings, judges and lawyers are now becoming used to remote court hearing. Remote court hearings now give the courts, plaintiffs, and defendants the ability, in certain circumstances, to use videoconferencing when beneficial to all parties.
If you are looking to hire Handwriting Expert New York for your case, contact us now to schedule a free consultation.